Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 6 - Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

I apologize for this post being a day late, I was hiking in the smokies and didn't get home til really late! Better late than never!

As I read through Luke 23, one verse really stuck out to me. Amidst all of the mocking and unjust punishment, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Verse 34) Christ said this out of pure love, patience, and compassion for those who ridiculed Him. This verse left me awestruck. After carrying the weight of the sins of the world, Jesus was still soft-hearted enough to feel compassion towards those who hurt him.

It made me so upset to think that anyone could ever want to mock the most innocent, perfect being. Knowing that the people chose to have a murderer set free and to have Jesus be crucified instead is so  awful. I don't think I could bear to see Christ being mocked and hurt. But knowing he suffered through this but still remained compassionate and kind makes me love Him even more.

I encourage you to read the scriptures about this on your own, because it will help you feel a more personal connection to the events in Christ's life. :)

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