Friday, March 14, 2014

The Girl in the Mirror

I love seeing motivational blogs and pins about loving yourself for who you are. Most of these posts are geared toward curvy women, which is fantastic because they need to see the beauty in their shape!

But some people go about this the wrong way. While telling women with curves that they are gorgeous, there is also a message being sent to the slender that they are "boring," "not feminine enough," "probably anorexic," etc. All body types have insecurities, and are prone to getting their feelings hurt.

The media supports opposite ends of the spectrum - one side encourages girls to workout without eating enough, and to be completely toned without a speck of fat. The other side says curvy girls are prettier and more womanly. This battle always leaves both sides hurt. Why can't we celebrate ALL body shapes, instead of criticizing the other in favor of our own?

I'm still working to be completely confident in my own skin. Girls tell me that they would love to be as thin as I am. I look back and think, I would love to be as curvy as you! I think wide hips are adorable, and I would be thrilled if I could graduate from an A cup to a B cup bra!

It's easy for me to find the beauty in everyone except myself. I think we all struggle with comparing our flaws to another's strengths.

When you look in the mirror and find something you don't like about yourself, find something that you do like about yourself!

Isn't this the sweetest thing? Remember this next time you think negatively about yourself :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I was born in the wrong century

Reading and watching classic books & movies gives me an (almost) unrealistic expectation of life and romance. What I would give for a Mr. Darcy...

Isn't it interesting that the best books have a setting in past centuries? Historical society is so fascinating, and historical romance is spectacular. I can't imagine people 100 years from now looking back at 2014 and thinking how adorable and old fashioned we are.

It just seems life would be so blissful back in the day... fancy accents, no calculators, etc. This is my chart displaying how I sometimes despise this day and age.

At least we have microwaves and Chik-fil-A.

Waiting on my time machine. Sincerely,