Friday, January 31, 2014

A Man Who Reads is a Man Indeed

I feel ya, Belle.

There's nothing more attractive than a boy who reads.
And nothing more unattractive than a boy who doesn't.

When boys in my English class comment on how much they like the book we're reading, they just got 10x classier. The boys who complain... *sigh*

There's just something irresistable about an intelligent man. 
Or maybe it's just my subconscious hope that my future man will be just as excited about a library the size of Biltmore in our house as I am.

By the way, Biltmore is absolutely stunning. I took a tour last year, and I could have lived in that library. Can you imagine all those books and that spiral staircase being yours? 

My face exactly.

Lovely ladies, set your expectations high for a brilliant man. You deserve it. 
And a gigantic library. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm sorry, I only date fictional characters. In my head.


If you're anything like me, you're always looking for a new book that's NOT about vampires. I am so in love with this book. (and also the man in the book.) It's my favorite romance novel, I just want to climb inside and live in the story! And then...


I got Blackmoore for Christmas, and went up to my cave/room and read the whole thing in one day. (I turn into a hermit when I have a book to read- farewell, real world) so, lovely ladies, do whatever it takes to read these! Enjoy :)