Hi all! I have moved sites, visit me on my new blog at turquoiseblush.blogspot.com :)
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Day 6 - Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
I apologize for this post being a day late, I was hiking in the smokies and didn't get home til really late! Better late than never!
As I read through Luke 23, one verse really stuck out to me. Amidst all of the mocking and unjust punishment, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Verse 34) Christ said this out of pure love, patience, and compassion for those who ridiculed Him. This verse left me awestruck. After carrying the weight of the sins of the world, Jesus was still soft-hearted enough to feel compassion towards those who hurt him.
It made me so upset to think that anyone could ever want to mock the most innocent, perfect being. Knowing that the people chose to have a murderer set free and to have Jesus be crucified instead is so awful. I don't think I could bear to see Christ being mocked and hurt. But knowing he suffered through this but still remained compassionate and kind makes me love Him even more.
I encourage you to read the scriptures about this on your own, because it will help you feel a more personal connection to the events in Christ's life. :)
As I read through Luke 23, one verse really stuck out to me. Amidst all of the mocking and unjust punishment, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Verse 34) Christ said this out of pure love, patience, and compassion for those who ridiculed Him. This verse left me awestruck. After carrying the weight of the sins of the world, Jesus was still soft-hearted enough to feel compassion towards those who hurt him.
It made me so upset to think that anyone could ever want to mock the most innocent, perfect being. Knowing that the people chose to have a murderer set free and to have Jesus be crucified instead is so awful. I don't think I could bear to see Christ being mocked and hurt. But knowing he suffered through this but still remained compassionate and kind makes me love Him even more.
I encourage you to read the scriptures about this on your own, because it will help you feel a more personal connection to the events in Christ's life. :)
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Day 5 - The Atonement
To me, this day is the most meaningful of all the days leading up to Easter, there are already tears in my eyes. I cannot even begin to express my love for the Savior and his atoning sacrifice for all of us. I can't even begin to understand that Christ experienced every physical pain, every emotional heartbreak, the weight of the world's guilt, remorse, grief, loss, and loneliness. He atoned for our sins so that we could be forgiven, and we are never alone in our trials because Christ has experienced all of them.
I love Him with all my heart. He is as real as anyone I know, He is someone I look up to,
someone I am inspired by, and feel loved by. Knowing that my sins can be forgiven because of His deep love for me inspires me to live my life better and to withstand trials and temptations.
In Sunday School we have been talking about grace. My teacher shared an amazing way to understand grace, and she learned this from Brad Wilcox. This is how it goes, kinda in my words!
Just as a parent would pay a piano teacher for their child's piano lessons, Christ payed the demands of justice. Just as the parent tells their child to practice, Jesus asks us to choose the right and follow the commandments. Doing so won't pay the piano teacher/justice back, but it shows appreciation for the wonderful gift. Grace isn't about meeting halfway. Grace isn't about filling gaps. Grace is about Christ filling us with strength, opportunity, and potential to become more like Him. Just how one can't be a talented piano player without practice, we can't be Christlike without making an effort and choosing the right choices, even when it's hard. Jesus has given everyone who has ever lived on earth the opportunity to let his atonement strengthen us by washing away our sins and inspiring us to have a pure heart.
I feel such a beautiful love and thankfulness for my Savior, and I can't wait to be with Him. Sometimes I feel like when I see Him, I would absolutely run as fast as I could to be with Him! I know that He loves us more than we can comprehend. He was willing to face all of our trials completely and utterly alone, and endure all of our pains and sufferings so that we will never be alone.
Remember Christ knows us each individually and personally. He loves us and wants us to be happy, and that is why he gave us the greatest gift humankind could ever ask for - the opportunity to change for the better.
I love Him with all my heart. He is as real as anyone I know, He is someone I look up to,
someone I am inspired by, and feel loved by. Knowing that my sins can be forgiven because of His deep love for me inspires me to live my life better and to withstand trials and temptations.
In Sunday School we have been talking about grace. My teacher shared an amazing way to understand grace, and she learned this from Brad Wilcox. This is how it goes, kinda in my words!
Just as a parent would pay a piano teacher for their child's piano lessons, Christ payed the demands of justice. Just as the parent tells their child to practice, Jesus asks us to choose the right and follow the commandments. Doing so won't pay the piano teacher/justice back, but it shows appreciation for the wonderful gift. Grace isn't about meeting halfway. Grace isn't about filling gaps. Grace is about Christ filling us with strength, opportunity, and potential to become more like Him. Just how one can't be a talented piano player without practice, we can't be Christlike without making an effort and choosing the right choices, even when it's hard. Jesus has given everyone who has ever lived on earth the opportunity to let his atonement strengthen us by washing away our sins and inspiring us to have a pure heart.
I feel such a beautiful love and thankfulness for my Savior, and I can't wait to be with Him. Sometimes I feel like when I see Him, I would absolutely run as fast as I could to be with Him! I know that He loves us more than we can comprehend. He was willing to face all of our trials completely and utterly alone, and endure all of our pains and sufferings so that we will never be alone.
Remember Christ knows us each individually and personally. He loves us and wants us to be happy, and that is why he gave us the greatest gift humankind could ever ask for - the opportunity to change for the better.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Day 4 - Little Moments
Today's post will be short and sweet, I couldn't find a scriptural account of what Christ did on this day. So I will share one of my favorite quotes about Him :)
"In all that Jesus came to say and do, including and especially in His atoning suffering and sacrifice, he was showing us who and what God out Eternal Father is like, how completely devoted He is to His children in every age and nation. In word and in deed, Jesus was trying to reveal and make personal to us the true nature of His Father, our Father in Heaven." -Jeffrey R. Holland
I thought this was so beautiful. The first time I read it, I was in Deseret Book (it's a Christian bookstore with so many wonderful books written by people from my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.) Anyway I was flipping through a book and this beautiful painting of Christ with this quote was on one of the pages. I got this tiny scrap of paper and wrote it down or else I would forget it and never find it again! I love little inspiring moments like that. I am a tiny bit obsessed with quotes, but I think it's understandable because they give me so many little moments of insight and joy. So the moral of the story is to write down the things that mean something to you :) When you write things down, it's easier to go back, read, and notice the small ways you have been blessed.
That's all my thoughts tonight :) bonus points to the person that finds the name of that book!!!! I think it's by Jeffrey R. Holland. Maybe. :)
"In all that Jesus came to say and do, including and especially in His atoning suffering and sacrifice, he was showing us who and what God out Eternal Father is like, how completely devoted He is to His children in every age and nation. In word and in deed, Jesus was trying to reveal and make personal to us the true nature of His Father, our Father in Heaven." -Jeffrey R. Holland
I thought this was so beautiful. The first time I read it, I was in Deseret Book (it's a Christian bookstore with so many wonderful books written by people from my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.) Anyway I was flipping through a book and this beautiful painting of Christ with this quote was on one of the pages. I got this tiny scrap of paper and wrote it down or else I would forget it and never find it again! I love little inspiring moments like that. I am a tiny bit obsessed with quotes, but I think it's understandable because they give me so many little moments of insight and joy. So the moral of the story is to write down the things that mean something to you :) When you write things down, it's easier to go back, read, and notice the small ways you have been blessed.
That's all my thoughts tonight :) bonus points to the person that finds the name of that book!!!! I think it's by Jeffrey R. Holland. Maybe. :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
O Jerusalem - Day 3
Christ gave many parables and valuable lessons on this day.
The Widow's Mite is such a sweet parable. When I read the scriptures that go along with the parable, I imagined Christ watching people pass by and throw money into a treasury. There are many wealthy people giving lots of money, but Christ notices a sweet old woman putting in just a couple coins. Jesus says that she has given more than the rest of them, because she had given up all she has. The rich had plenty to spare, but this old woman had given up her small and humble earnings for a greater cause. I think there are many ways to apply this lesson to our own lives, in giving our money, time, talents, and energy to others even when it seems we may not have enough for ourselves.
I hope you think of these valuable lessons and find ways to make them meaningful in your own life. :)
He explains the two commandments that encompass all other commandments, which is to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." (Matthew 22:37) and to "love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matthew 22:39) At first I wondered, how can those two commandments cover all the others? I thought about it, and if we truly love our Heavenly Father, wouldn't we do anything he asks us to do? Wouldn't we try our very best to choose what's right, and to be full of gratitude and obedience to Him? I hope so :) Loving our neighbor, to me, means treating everyone the way Christ would. He never lied or gossipped or insulted - instead he showed mercy and understanding even to those who wronged him. Patience and love is what He is asking us to have for each other. How can we mistreat another human being divinely created by God? If we see each other the way Christ sees us, maybe we will be able to see the beauty in everyone around us.
This is one of my favorite paintings of Christ. It reminds me of the way he watches the world. The artist was inspired by Matthew 23:37 - "O Jerusalem.. how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings.." The artists explains the meaning behind the painting, and I wanted to share it because I thought this was the most beautiful description of how Christ might have felt.
"This is a Messianic exclamation of profound concern and unconditional love for all who have lost their way and suffer while wandering in spiritual darkness. As the slanting rays of the sun reflect upon the rooftops of Old Jerusalem, Christ reflects upon His life’s mission and upon those He came to serve and bless. His gaze takes in the glistening gold and marble of Herod’s Temple and the smoke of burnt offerings upon the altar. He was keenly aware that soon He would offer Himself up as the true Passover Lamb - “ the Lamb of God.” Here, upon the Mount of Olives, Jesus could see the day, like His mortal ministry, coming to a close. However, a new day always dawns and there is hope and comfort in His words, “Lo, I am with you always.” Just as He looked down upon the traveling pilgrims entering Jerusalem, He watches still from yet a higher vantage point, ready to extend His protective wing to all who seek Him." -Greg OlsenToday Christ also gave the parable of the 10 Virgins and the Widow's Mite (Matthew 25:1-13 and Mark 12:41-44, respectively). We all know the story of the 10 Virgins, the moral of the story is to be prepared! You never know when you will meet Christ, so make sure you are making wise choices, and repenting if you make a mistake.
The Widow's Mite is such a sweet parable. When I read the scriptures that go along with the parable, I imagined Christ watching people pass by and throw money into a treasury. There are many wealthy people giving lots of money, but Christ notices a sweet old woman putting in just a couple coins. Jesus says that she has given more than the rest of them, because she had given up all she has. The rich had plenty to spare, but this old woman had given up her small and humble earnings for a greater cause. I think there are many ways to apply this lesson to our own lives, in giving our money, time, talents, and energy to others even when it seems we may not have enough for ourselves.
I hope you think of these valuable lessons and find ways to make them meaningful in your own life. :)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Day 2 - Cleansing the Temple
As I was reading about what happened on this day in Christ's life, I had inspiration about how this experience could be applied to our own lives!
When Jesus went into the temple, he found many people irreverently doing business there. The temple was a holy house of worship, so it made Christ very sad to see people being disrespectful in his Father's house. He stopped the people from continuing business there.
This story reminded me of a scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it says, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are abought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s."
I thought of the connection between the temple that Jesus cleansed, and the temple which is our own body. Do we treat our bodies with the same respect that we would show in a house of worship?
Our body is a gift from Heavenly Father. Things like pornography or drug use show Heavenly Father that we aren't thankful for our bodies, but purity shows respect for such a divine gift.
I love the meaning of the word virtue. It comes from the Latin root word "virtus," meaning strength. Virtue is also associated with purity and chastity. As Elaine S. Dalton said, "I truly believe that one virtuous young woman or young man, led by the Spirit, can change the world, but in order to do so, we must return to virtue." To some it seems old-fashioned to live based on high moral standards, but to me, it is a happier, clearer way of life.
One of my favorite quotes about purity says, "I can think of no blessings to be more fervently desired than those promised to the pure and virtuous. Jesus spoke of specific rewards for different virtues but reserved the greatest, so it seems to me, for the pure in heart, 'For they,' said He, 'Shall see God.' (Matthew 5:8) And not only shall they see the Lord, but they shall feel at home in his presence." -Marion G. Romney
I know that striving to be chaste has blessed me tremendously. Although we all make mistakes, through Christ's atonement we can be forgiven and made pure. :)
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Day 1 - Palm Sunday
Easter is one of my favorite holidays, I just love how everything outside is blooming with new life! I want this year to be special, so I have decided to learn as much as I can about what Christ experienced in his last week before His crucifixion and resurrection, and to write a blog post each day about it. I have such a deep love for my Savior, and I hope this week that you and I will come to know Him more personally through learning about his life.
Today is Palm Sunday, when Jesus made his last journey back into Jerusalem. As He rode into the city on a donkey, which was a symbol of peace, the people laid their clothes and palm branches in his path.
"And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest." (Luke 19:36-38)
On this day He also continued healing the sick, as He had done many times throughout his life. It is amazing to imagine what it would be like to be healed by Christ, what it would feel like to be with the kindest, humblest soul that ever lived on earth. I can only imagine the gentleness and love in His eyes as he cared for those who were afflicted. Although we haven't been physically healed by Christ, we can be healed spiritually.
"The Savior can wipe away our tears of regret and remove the burden of our sins. His atonement allows us to leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
I love this scripture because our struggles become less significant as we focus on what really matters. The knowledge of the atonement, and the assurance that there is life after death, has carried me through many trials that would be almost unbearable without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope you continue reading and learning about Christ with me each night until Easter :)
*Exta Bible Verses about Palm Sunday*
Luke 19:28-48
I read from the King James Version, I hope the verses are similar if you read a different version!
Friday, March 14, 2014
The Girl in the Mirror
I love seeing motivational blogs and pins about loving yourself for who you are. Most of these posts are geared toward curvy women, which is fantastic because they need to see the beauty in their shape!
But some people go about this the wrong way. While telling women with curves that they are gorgeous, there is also a message being sent to the slender that they are "boring," "not feminine enough," "probably anorexic," etc. All body types have insecurities, and are prone to getting their feelings hurt.
The media supports opposite ends of the spectrum - one side encourages girls to workout without eating enough, and to be completely toned without a speck of fat. The other side says curvy girls are prettier and more womanly. This battle always leaves both sides hurt. Why can't we celebrate ALL body shapes, instead of criticizing the other in favor of our own?
I'm still working to be completely confident in my own skin. Girls tell me that they would love to be as thin as I am. I look back and think, I would love to be as curvy as you! I think wide hips are adorable, and I would be thrilled if I could graduate from an A cup to a B cup bra!
It's easy for me to find the beauty in everyone except myself. I think we all struggle with comparing our flaws to another's strengths.
When you look in the mirror and find something you don't like about yourself, find something that you do like about yourself!
Isn't this the sweetest thing? Remember this next time you think negatively about yourself :)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
I was born in the wrong century

Reading and watching classic books & movies gives me an (almost) unrealistic expectation of life and romance. What I would give for a Mr. Darcy...
Isn't it interesting that the best books have a setting in past centuries? Historical society is so fascinating, and historical romance is spectacular. I can't imagine people 100 years from now looking back at 2014 and thinking how adorable and old fashioned we are.
It just seems life would be so blissful back in the day... fancy accents, no calculators, etc. This is my chart displaying how I sometimes despise this day and age.
At least we have microwaves and Chik-fil-A.
Waiting on my time machine. Sincerely,
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
New Adventures
I feel like Belle when she sings, "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere!" Now the next adventure of my life is not too far away because....
I got accepted to BYU Provo!!!
I am unbelievably thrilled & I almost can't contain my happiness!!
I'm so excited to call these mountains home! I have dreamed of coming here ever since I was a little girl, especially after visiting the beautiful campus!
Isn't it gorgeous? I feel like I will spend all my time laying in the grass gazing at the mountains, like I'm crazy. Until winter.
I'm leaving in July, which is coming up fast! Better have as many adventures as I can here in Tennessee before I leave! It's sad and exciting to think about leaving, & it has only been this past year that I have truly appreciated living in Tennessee. To all my friends who live in TN and think it's boring, go hike a mountain. It's awesome. In the meantime, I'll be hiking bigger mountains in Utah :)
Sunday, February 16, 2014
DIY Dorm Creations
I am obsessed with dorm decor, & I have made so many crafts that my dorm may explode! My latest projects have been tiny organizers made from an iPhone box.
This one holds odds and ends like bobby pins, coins, nail polish, etc.
& this one is to display your lovely earrings, obviously :)
Making these is really self explanatory. I just cut out pretty paper & mod podged it on! The earring holder requires lace ribbon (I recommend a thick lace ribbon that's not too wide, so it can be sturdy enough).
More craft posts to come, undoubtedly. :)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Beautifully Modest, Classy Dresses
I love dresses. Especially prom dresses. I love feeling ladylike in a big dress and high heels. The only thing I don't like about prom is seeing girls wear things that make them look... desperate for attention. It's sad that in today's society, a woman's value is measured by how much skin she shows, how "sexy" she looks, etc. I want you to know that YOU are more valuable than your outward appearance. Your beauty is more than just skin-deep. You don't need to put your body on display to earn respect. Remember, a classy woman has everything to flaunt, but she chooses not to show it.
That being said, I would love to share some classy, modest dresses :)
That being said, I would love to share some classy, modest dresses :)
I adore these dresses, especially the beading at the top. $398
(I promise the rest of the dresses I'm posting aren't this expensive!)
This dress is so unique, & the skirt is drop dead gorgeous! $195
I am in love with everything about this dress, especially the color! $377
The lace is so cute, and this dress reminds me of Paris! $119
This dress comes in a billion colors, thank goodness! I love the design, not the color! $136
I saved my favorite for last! I love the elegance and the color, it looks absolutely radiant! $320
I hope you lovely ladies find that beautiful dress that makes you feel confident. :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014
Inspired Thoughts from Frozen
The movie Frozen was incredible. There were tears streaming down my face, right there in the movie theater! It was so emotional because I thought of my own sisters, and it inspired me to savor every minute I have left with them before I leave for college. The theme being centered around sisters made this movie so original and unique.
Little philosophical me loves the deeper meaning in this movie. No matter how brave you may think you are, it's not heroic to shut people out. This idea has spoken volumes to me, because I can't stand to hear modern songs and poems telling girls to "Put walls around your heart so you don't get hurt." Living in fear of rejection is not living life to the fullest. Protecting your heart from hurt also blocks pure love. I know many people would disagree, but I think life is more beautiful with the full spectrum of emotions.
Being brave is putting your heart on the line and going out on a limb, whether it's in a romantic relationship, reuniting with a long lost friend, or reaching out to a family member you may feel distant from.
Little philosophical me loves the deeper meaning in this movie. No matter how brave you may think you are, it's not heroic to shut people out. This idea has spoken volumes to me, because I can't stand to hear modern songs and poems telling girls to "Put walls around your heart so you don't get hurt." Living in fear of rejection is not living life to the fullest. Protecting your heart from hurt also blocks pure love. I know many people would disagree, but I think life is more beautiful with the full spectrum of emotions.
Being brave is putting your heart on the line and going out on a limb, whether it's in a romantic relationship, reuniting with a long lost friend, or reaching out to a family member you may feel distant from.
Expressing love creates joy in our lives in such a powerful way that nothing else can replace it. Gather up your courage, work to strengthen your relationships, and put your whole heart in it. Not everything will always work out perfectly, but just say to yourself, "The cold never bothered me anyway!" And you will make it through whatever happens. It is only when you know sadness that you will truly appreciate joy, and it's worth it.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Roses Are Red, Violets Are... Violet.
As Valentine's Day is inexorably approaching... I thought I would share some sassy, not-so-classy cards to give to your beloved. Nothing says "I love you" like criticism with the best intentions.
Don't do this unless you're prepared to rip someone's heart out and spend Valentine's Day alone and craving chocolate. Look on the bright side, you will find yourself losing weight from lack of delicious treats sent by an adoring prince charming. Prepare to live through the healthiest Valentine's Day in your personal history.
I may change my mind, and make pinterest-inspired crafts & give out treats created by an aspiring domestic goddess. But as for now, this will have to do.
Friday, January 31, 2014
A Man Who Reads is a Man Indeed
I feel ya, Belle.
There's nothing more attractive than a boy who reads.
And nothing more unattractive than a boy who doesn't.
When boys in my English class comment on how much they like the book we're reading, they just got 10x classier. The boys who complain... *sigh*
There's just something irresistable about an intelligent man.
Or maybe it's just my subconscious hope that my future man will be just as excited about a library the size of Biltmore in our house as I am.
By the way, Biltmore is absolutely stunning. I took a tour last year, and I could have lived in that library. Can you imagine all those books and that spiral staircase being yours?
My face exactly.
Lovely ladies, set your expectations high for a brilliant man. You deserve it.
And a gigantic library.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I'm sorry, I only date fictional characters. In my head.
If you're anything like me, you're always looking for a new book that's NOT about vampires. I am so in love with this book. (and also the man in the book.) It's my favorite romance novel, I just want to climb inside and live in the story! And then...
I got Blackmoore for Christmas, and went up to my cave/room and read the whole thing in one day. (I turn into a hermit when I have a book to read- farewell, real world) so, lovely ladies, do whatever it takes to read these! Enjoy :)
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